Friday, May 15, 2020

Deep Spring II


   “Crepuscule” is one of my favorite words in English. I first came across it in when I was a teenager. It was the title of a great song by jazz pianist Thelonious Monk, “Crepuscule with Nellie,” which he recorded with the great saxophonist John Coltrane. I absolutely loved that song and was playing it regularly when I realized I had no idea what “crepuscule” meant. So I looked it up: 
crepuscule: noun: time between evening and night; twilight; dusk.”

   I had not known there was a word for that time period, and in truth, I had not paid much attention at all to that time period. After all; I was a teenager. (smile) But as I aged and got into birdwatching and camping, I gradually came to appreciate that time and its specialness. In that space between evening and night, the sky becomes a magical space. The sun dims, some planets slowly become visible at various parts of the year, the darkness of night gradually moves in, and stars and the moon start to appear. It is wondrous. And that time is especially magical now, in the midst of “Deep Spring.” Things all around and above us are going through little changes at this time, and we can get to notice them. Some nocturnal insects start coming out and buzzing around. Bees start heading to their hives. Songbirds start moving to feeders for their last meal of the day and then home to their nests. Owls start waking up and moving about. In some parts of the city and burbs foxes, possums, and racoons, become visible. In my Mt. Airy neighborhood hundreds of chimney swifts take part each night in a massive group flight to nest in the chimneys of the Houston School on Allen Lane. There is a lot of nature going on at dusk, and we get to be able to observe and be aware of it. 

  We are in month 3 of Lockdown and Shelter-in-Place, and crepuscule is especially important to me right now. The pandemic and its effects are continuing alongside a glorious spring, and I need to remain aware of that so I do not get lost in fear, depression and anxiety. I like to go walking at least twice most days, and walking at dusk has become very important to me. I look up as I walk, watch the slow and subtle changes in the sky. And I am reminded that there is still plenty going on to be happy about in this world and to appreciate. I can watch as the constellations move into different positions over the course of the month and the moon goes through its phases. I can be aware of the sounds that I can notice now that there is so much less traffic. And I can breathe deeply and feel more connected to the universe. I can feel my humanness and know wonder and joy. 

    “Crepuscule;” what a wonderful and magical word. Thank you, Thelonious, both for the tune, and for opening me up to all that word can mean and allows.

(Crepuscule with Nellie)

We as citizens have some important opportunities to be heard and deadlines to meet if we wish to be heard:

Deadline to Register to vote: Monday May, 18

Deadline to Apply for Mail-In Ballot: Tuesday, May 26 (Note, if you plan to vote using an absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 GENERAL PRIMARY held on 06/02/2020, your completed application must be received in the county office by 5:00 PM on 05/26/2020)

Deadline to Return Mail-In Ballot: Tuesday, June 2 (Note, if you vote using an absentee or mail-in ballot in the 2020 GENERAL PRIMARY held on 06/02/2020, the deadline to return your voted ballot is 8:00 PM on 06/02/2020

CENSUS 2020 The census helps the Federal government decide on things such as voting districts, grants for Federal aid, transportation and highway funds, and a hell of a lot more. It is one of the ways our tax dollars get back to us in our own areas, so it is essential that as accurate a count as possible is taken. COVID means the door to door census is on hold, so our online completions are even more important now. Please go to:

I know a lot of you are already supporting some of the groups working to meet some of the challenges associated with COVID-19. If you are looking for more or other ways to be involved locally, here are some suggestions:


Links to local Food Banks:

Homelessness: Project Home

 To report domestic violence: 


May and June gigs for the Dukes have been postponed

Missing Dukes Sounds?


 Walking around in the city is a very important part of who I am and what I do, and now is a time of the year when that is especially wonderful for me. This is what I call, “Deep Spring,”  the time in which the glories of spring are undeniable and super-visible everywhere and to everyone. Part of the joy of this time is the temperature-days are regularly in the 60’s and 70’a, and it is possible to walk around in a shirt without needing a jacket. Yes, wearing a mask and gloves still feels a little strange and cumbersome, and we have had a couple of pretty windy days. But in general the warmth feels good and it makes the walking lighter and more pleasurable. There are also more wonderful nature sounds around now; woodpeckers, robins, cardinals, mourning doves, bees, and goldfinches are visiting yards, gardens, and bird feeders. With the decrease in traffic on the roads now, it is much easier to hear and appreciate these sounds.

   Most spectacularly, though, spring color has arrived, and it is bursting forth on just about every block in some super-dramatic fashion. Pinks, reds, yellows, whites, greens, purples, and more are appearing via azaleas, marigolds, Japanese maples, daffodils, viburnum, mountain laurels, forsythia, tulips, and plants and shrubs I cannot identify. A walk around any corner brings one face to face with amazing color combinations. And in a world so awash in bright color, it is hard to be in a worried or sad state of mind for long.
Which is not to say there are no reasons to be worried or sad. The number of COVID-19 cases and deaths continue to rise daily around the world and in just about every corner of the US. Many of us are dealing with the emotional challenges of the illness and/or death of loved ones and the problems associated with isolation and loneliness. Unemployment is at record levels, and many of us are dealing with food insecurity. And while there is talk of listing restrictions and “re-opening” society, there is still no real sense of when things that changed so suddenly might be headed back to "normal"-whatever that now means. We continue to try to adjust and adapt to this situation and try to find ways to help and to make a difference.
  One of the ways of making a difference is through the emergence of a traditional fall observance that has been adapted to present circumstances. “Giving Tuesday” started as a response to the Black Friday and Cyber Monday consumer binges that serve as lead in to winter shopping. Giving Tuesday, however, is not about consumerism. It is about donating service or money to worthy causes, largely non-profit institutions and activities designed to make the world a better place. Tomorrow is “Giving Now Tuesday,” an international day of fundraising, volunteer opportunities and more to meet some of the immediate fallout from COVID-19. It is a day of definite positive actions one can take to help groups and organizations dealing with some of the consequences of the virus. You can be involved either locally, worldwide or both. The website for Giving Now Tuesday is, 
  This year spring seems especially bright and gorgeous. The colors seem to shimmer a bit more, and the I am so glad to have the opportunity to walk, experience this, and to drink it in. Perhaps it is serving as some kind of an antidote to the situation we are all in now and as a call to try to help in whatever way we can. Do be safe, be careful, be well and if you are able, do good.

I know a lot of you are already supporting some of the groups working to meet some of the challenges associated with COVID-19. If you are looking for more or other ways to be involved locally, here are some suggestions:

Links to local Food Banks:

Homelessness: Project Home

 To report domestic violence: 

May and June gigs for the Dukes have been postponed