Wednesday, February 19, 2025


DUKES FANS: “We’re having a heat wave; a tropical heatwave..” Irving Berlin OK, Folks. This is it. We are officially past the middle of February, and I am officially tired of winter. Done with it! Over it! Tired of it! Yes, I still love that in this region we get all four seasons. Yes, I still love the bright and dramatic winter night skies. Yes, I can still love walking in the morning and seeing the moon still in the sky as sunrise begins. And yes, I can still love the beauty and eerie stillness and quiet right after a snowfall. But they have just about worn out their welcome this year. I am so getting over them! It was 16 degrees yet again this morning, and I was thoroughly layered and bundled up again as I walked to the bus stop to freeze yet again as I waited for the route 23. I am tired of winter. Of course, we in this region of the country have been fortunate (or Spoiled) for the last several years. Our winters have been fairly mild for the past 5 or six years. We have had the obligatory two snowfalls or so each year, but none seemed to be over 6 inches. And there were time gaps in between when they arrived. We have had cold, but rarely multiple or weekly cold spells where 33 degrees felt like a heat wave. And the wind has been ferocious, intense and constant this year. It cuts though you, no matter how many layers you have on. It chills to the bone. This has been a “real” winter. When I first started teaching in the 1970’s, I taught at an alternative public school-Alternative East. My second or third year there the faculty was complaining about winter as we headed into President’s Day. We had had several snowstorms, and we were exhausted. Gisha Berkowitz, the head of the school, had the brilliant idea to work all of the Federal Monday holidays except for President’s Day, and then combine them into a week off from school; a mid-winter break. What a wonderful idea! I loved it, and I still think it is a great idea, There are a few school districts that do have a mid-winter break now, but it is not common. I know I need one now. Yes; Punxsutawney Phil said 6 more weeks of winter weather. And yes, we are definitely having that. And I am still missing that mid-winter break and am still officially tired of winter. Bah Humbug! DUKES GIGS: 1)Saturday, March 1; Steel City, 203 Bridge Street, Phoenixville PA 19460: 7:30PM:tickets $20 adv; $25 door;$26 reserved seating; The Dukes are happy to start our 2025 schedule with a return to Steel City Coffeehouse and Brewery, a wonderful venue in Phoenixville. We are so happy to be back in this town. We have played the Phoenixville Blues Fest several times and also headlined Steel City several times, and we love this town. It is a great walkable little town with arts and craft shops, a great vinyl record store, and wonderful places to grab a cup of coffee and snack. And it has Steel City: an intimate place, with great seating, a great sound system, a wonderful staff, delicious snacks and food, craft brews, and a great vibe. All of that and The Dukes nest weekend. If you have seen us here before, you know how much we love this place and how much fun it is. Come on out and welcome us back. $29 adv; $25 door;$26 reserved 2) Saturday, March 15; Kennett Flash 102 Sycamore Alley, Kennett Square, PA,$25:Doors 7PM-Show 8PM We are back at another one of our favorite places in one of our favorite towns. We love Kennett Square, its sense of history, the incredible food places, and the wonderful, friendly people. And we love the Flash-intimate, great sound, friendly waitstaff, and space to dance. Come out a little early, get a great dinner at one of the outstanding restaurants, and finish up with snacks, beverages, and dancing at The Flash (BYOB fee-$5) JOHNNY NEVER AND JOHN COLGAN-DAVIS GIGS; guitar & harmonica acoustic blues duo; 1)Saturday, March 8; Letty’s Tavern; 201 State Street, Kennett Square PA 19348;7-10PM 2) Friday, March 14; Triple Sun Distillery, 126 South State Street Newtown, PA 18940; 8-11PM We have two gigs coming up in March at two of our regular and favorite places. Letty’s is a great restaurant in the lovely town of Kennett Square, and it features great food, a wonderful vibe, and a great workstaff. It is fun to play here. Triple Sun is in the gorgeous quiet town of Newtown, PA, and it is a wonderful room with craft spirits, Cajun and French inspired food, and gorgeous views of the night sky as you walk down State Street to the door and look up. Come catch us at either or both of these places; you will be glad you did. The Sunday Blues Jam at Jamey’s House of Music; 32 S. Landsdowne, Ave; Landsdowne, PA; Blues lovers and players have made Jamey's Sunday Blues Jam the place for great blues jamming, inexpensive and tasty eats, craft brews on tap, fresh brewed coffee, a great waitstaff, and friendly people who love the blues.  Each Sunday features an hour long set by a different house band, and then there is an open jam until 3PM. This month the jam features The Philly Blues Kings with various guitarists and singers. The 2nd Sunday of each month features The Roger Girke-John Colgan-Davis Project as the house band, and our next gig is Sunday, March 9. Got an instrument? Sing? Just want to listen to some exciting blues and have some good food? Come on out and take part in this great blues jam with great food and liquid refreshments. (Don’t want to receive any more of these e-mails? Simply reply with “Unsubscribe “in the Subject Line)

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